Quick Start Guide
Get up and running with BrainDance in just a few minutes!
Create a virtual environment
conda create -n brain python=3.11
Clone the BrainDance repository:
pip install git+https://github.com/braingeneers/braindance.git
Your First Experiment
Here's a simple experiment to get you started:
from braindance.core.maxwell_env import MaxwellEnv
from braindance.core.params import maxwell_params
from braindance.core.phases import PhaseManager, RecordPhase, NeuralSweepPhase
# Set up the environment
params = maxwell_params
params['save_dir'] = './my_first_experiment'
params['name'] = 'quick_start'
params['max_time_sec'] = 60*5 # 5 minutes
params['stim_electrodes'] = [20421, 1925] # electrodes in your current config
params['config'] = 'config.cfg' # this is the path to your config file for Maxwell
env = MaxwellEnv(**params)
# Create phases
record_phase = RecordPhase(env, duration=60)
sweep_phase = NeuralSweepPhase(env, neuron_list=[0, 1], amp_bounds=300, stim_freq=1, tag="QuickSweep", replicates=3)
# Build and run the experiment
phase_manager = PhaseManager(env, verbose=True)
phase_manager.add_phase_group([record_phase, sweep_phase, record_phase])
This experiment will:
- Record baseline activity for 1 minute
- Perform a neural sweep on two electrodes
- Record post-stimulation activity for 1 minute
Next Steps
- Learn about Core Concepts in BrainDance
Explore more complex Experiment DesignsDive into Data Analysis techniques